Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today Ryan turned 35!! I wouldn't mind turning 35 again but been there done that. We had a very relaxing day. Chan had a basketball game at noon and then Ryan picked Wendy's for lunch. We went home and he opened his gifts. He got pj bottoms, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and the first season of the Big Bang Theory. That has become Ryan and my favorite new show. Too funny. Then later that evening Gee came over to watch the boys and Ryan and I went out to dinner with his parents. We met them at Rivers. It is a somewhat new restaurant that took over after The Hatchcover burnt down. It is very modern and fancy. The food was good. Then we went back home and played cards with Ryan's parents. It was a lot of fun. We love to play cards and don't get to do it very often. Thank you Bill and Cindy for a great night!

Happy Birthday Ryan! Love ya babe!

Friday, January 22, 2010


So, Ryan every year wants to have his birthday celebration with family combined with Ethan's seeing as they are only two days apart. Well I think that is very sweet; however, Ethan is starting to protest a little bit more every year that he wants his birthday by himself. So Ryan is in great denial that they will share a party forever. This year Ethan gave in and they had a party for family at the bowling alley. Everyone was their. Dad and his friend Sue, Garrett & Kristi and their brood, Adam, Gee, Bill, Cindy,Kathy and Colleen. We got three lanes. Two for the adults and one for the kids. Bill, Cindy and Kathy used to be on leagues 30 some odd years ago and haven't bowled since so it was fun to see them get their groove on again. I personally think I had the best game of my life! 144! I had dad and Garrett sweating bullets. I was ahead of them for a while and then blew it at the end. Dad- 148, Garrett- 146 and then my 144. Chase even got to bowl for his first time.

Ethan picked Tyrone from the Backyardigans for his cake. Nice big picture to copy and not too many colors, I like those kinds of cakes. Ethan insisted that there was 5 regular candles and the number 5 candle. He didn't care that it made it look like he was 10. We were gonna stay at the alley and have and cake and open presents but it was too crowded so we decided to come home. It was probably better that we got to do that. The kids had a better time and the three babies.

Ethan loved his art set Ellisons!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Ethan turned 5 today. I really am in denial. My sweet little boy who is very sensitive and kind is now 5. Not that if he gets older all that will go away but it is what usually what happens. I'm gonna hold on to it with all my might!
Anyways, Ethan took cupcakes to pre-school with him. Then, when I picked him up we had to go work in Chandler's class. Ethan played with the cube blocks. When we got home he picked out his whole birthday dinner by himself. I already had planned sweet and sour chicken and pot stickers but he wanted meatballs, baked potato, and corn. It had to be exactly that. No variation. Good thing I had all those things already at home. After dinner he opened up his presents. He got new swimming goggles and a cardboard playhouse that is totally plain he just has to color it how he wants. Grandma and Papa R. took him yesterday for his birthday to lunch at Blimpie (Ethan's choice) and then to Target to pick out his present. He was very disappointed at Christmas time that he hadn't gotten a pair of night vision glasses that he had asked for (and Santa couldn't find anywhere), so that is what he picked out with Grandma. He also chose a double barrell shotgun that sort of is a nerf gun but not. He was in heaven. Ryan got the crazy idea of having us all get into the play house and then take a picture. Well we all made it, yes even Ryan is in there. You can just see his eye and nose in the window by Ethan. Tight fit but we did it!

Then after opening presents he blew out candles in a cupcake (his cake was for the next night). We were all sitting there at the table eating our cupcakes and Evan says looking at his cupcake,"I've always wanted to shove my nose into a cupcake." Well I couldn't resist, I grabbed his cupcake and shoved his nose into it. The look on his face was a mix of I can't believe she just did that and that was AWESOME! So, one by one everyone shoved their faces into their cupcakes. Pretty soon though it just wasn't noses. Cheeks, eyes & chins all got it. It was a lot of fun and we were all laughing pretty hard.