Ya know I told myself I wasn't going to let myself get so far behind in my posts. But, here I am again trying to play catch up on two months worth of stuff. I've got to do soooooo much better!
*First, back on May 14 I was able to go with Evan on his 4th grade fieldtrip to Sacramento and visit the capital and other California museums. Just him and I drove down together in our car and caught up with everyone else down in Sac. It was nice to be able to spend some one on one time with him. Bonus for me too since I've lived in California all my life and I've never been down to the capital or Old Town Sacramento! So, it was a learning time for me too. Their first stop was the California History museum. It was very interesting, full of interesting facts that 9 year olds just don't appreciate yet so it would be nice to go again and be able to read everything. Then we went to Old Town and ate at a Round Table Pizza for lunch. Then back to the capital building for a tour.

Very neat. All the kids really cared about was if they were gonna see Arnold. Which we didn't.

Then we went back to Old Town and went to the California train museum.

That was pretty cool. Full on regular sized trains of all kinds and ages. Evan and I want to take the rest of the family back down sometime. It was a fun day!
*Next, on May 26th Chandler was in his first grade class's play "Going Buggy". He was a caterpillar.

They all had lines, which Chandler memorized beautifully, but Chandler also got to sing a solo. He did great! He was clear and loud and we were all smiling very big.

Anyone who knows Chandler knows that he is not into anything embarrasing like dressing up in a "silly" costume. But he was very big about it and manned up and did it. Great job Chan!

*That same night Ethan had his end of the year baseball party. He got his trophy and that is all that mattered.

*Beginning of June Ryan took the young men from church to a private large pond to fish. Our boys and I tagged along for fun and let the boys fish.

My brother Adam even came along.

The boys had a great time and I really enjoyed being out there on such a beautiful evening. It brought back a lot of memories when dad would take us fishing to Centimudi, by Shasta Lake dam, and go fishing on the rocks. I liked that. I remember putting my own minnow on the hook and everything. Chandler even caught one all by himself. He was a way from us and I we hear "I got one"! He was so proud!

*On June 10-12 Ryan had a seminar in Tahoe. So, we decided to take the boys along for the ride. We stayed at the Cal Neva resort and spa. I love how saying it is a resort and spa makes it sound really cool and fancy. Ya, no. It is really old and everything is falling off the walls. In its hey day it was the bomb I am sure- Frank Sinatra was part owner or something. But this is where the seminar was and so we stayed there. It was actually fine just really old. We got there on Fri. night. Sat. morning Ryan had the seminar downstairs and so the boys and I got ready and headed out to do some things. First, there was a cute really fun mini golf course down the road. We played a round. Then we had Subway for lunch. Then Ryan's Aunt Mary told us that there is a neat bridge down the way that you can see lots of fish. So we went and checked that out. (Of course this whole time the camera is burning a whole in my pocket and I didn't think once to take pictures! AGGGHHH!!!) But after that the only thing,besides golf, that the boys thought was really cool was the small arcade that they had back at the "resort and spa". So, we went back and waited for Ryan to be done. The boys wanted to take Ryan to the golf course so we went back there and did the other side. Then dinner. The next morning we got all packed up and headed towards Emerald Bay. It is almost to the south shore so we stopped and checked out various things along the way. We stopped and showed daddy the fish at the bridge again,

and then at Emerald Bay we got out

and the boys hiked some rocks

and we walked out to an amazing waterfall.

Ryan and I both said that we have never been to the top of a waterfall before.

It was amazing!

(The edge of the waterfall is right over Chase's right shoulder!)

(Ethan wanted to climb every rock and then have his picture taken.)
Then after dinner in Natomas we headed home. Fun weekend!