Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So just for journaling sake this is about Ryan's and Chase's dealings with the ER and antibiotics. So, as I wrote in Chase's birthday post he got sick and put on antibiotics. Well, Sat. night I noticed he had a rash from head to toe. Evan is allergic to the same antibiotic that Chase was on so I knew that the rash was from an allergic reaction. My Dr. was still gone so I called ER to see if they could switch the meds since they are the ones that gave them to us. Well my doctor will just change it over the phone, but of course to add one more thing to my day I had to go back to the ER so Chase could be seen and documented. AAAGGGHHHH!!! Went, got seen and they changed it. And yes the rash did go away.

Next morning, Sunday, Father' s Day, Ryan went to the ER. I posted in the Las Vegas post that Ry started having stomach issues there. Well, it proceded to get worse so Thurs., Chase's birthday, after we left the ER with Chase Ry and I went to the doctor for Ry's issues. The doctor couldn't say if it was just constipation or diverticulitis so he started him on antibiotics because Ryan was very tender and decided he was leaning more towards the diverticulitis. Friday he stayed home from work and Friday night I thought Ryan was going to give birth. He was literally doing lamaze breathing and asking me to knock him out with a baseball bat because the pain was so bad. Saturday he came down with 103 fever and hadn't been able to sleep for the last three nights. So, Sunday morning he had had enough and took himself to ER. Mind you I would have gone with him, but he never woke me up to tell me he was going to go until he was walking out the door. So, I called Cindy, Ryan's mom, and she came to watch the kids so I could go. (side note: Cindy was a saint this whole last part of the week and weekend, because every doctor visit and ER visit she came to watch the boys. Thank you, thank you, thank you!)
Anyways, they did a CT scan and confirmed that yes Ry has diverticulitis. So, more antibiotics and a high fiber diet is now part of our lives. Woo-hoo!!!

I'm pleased to report that both are on the mend and hopefully our lives will return to somewhat of normalcy soon. ?

1 comment:

  1. Oh so very sorry your family had to go through such yucky things!! Hope you are all on the mend. It is rough when the kids get sick, but even MORE rough when it is the hubbys!!! :)
