Saturday, February 27, 2010


Since the beginning of January Chan has been playing YMCA basketball. He has really enjoyed it and he was awesome! He is a natural athlete and it is so fun to watch his enthusiasm and passion. He loves all sports. This was the first time he played basketball. At this age there is a lot of double dribbling, traveling, fouling but they just let them play and it's fun. Today was his last game. Now on to baseball! Great job Chandler!

Friday, February 26, 2010


So, Evan still isn't feeling like himself and even now he's done with the antibiotics for the Giardia there is no change. So, Evan, Gee, and myself went down to Sacramento today and he got a colonoscopy/endoscopy. He was put out with general anesthesia and for anyone that is a little scary but he did really great. They were 2 hours behind schedule so the waiting was rough and made his anxiety a little high. He was very concerned about the IV. But all the nurses were really great there. Good ol' emla (?) cream and distractions from a child life specialist and as Evan put it with a smile on his face, "That was easy!" Then the wait. But they had a Game Cube and movies for him to watch. He soon asked his roomie (who was waiting for a procedure too) Max if he wanted to play Game Cube with him. They did that for a while. There was a great lab/retriever mix dog that came in and laid on the beds after the kids got their iv's. While waiting Evan says, "This hospital is fun for kids!" Then Max went in for his procedure so Evan knew that he was next, and then the anxiety started in again. Asking questions left and right and getting very nervous and scared. Anyone that came in the room he would ask them if he was going to be alright. As we were rolling him to the procedure room the anesthesiologist whispers to me, " I'm just gonna put him out real fast if that is okay". She knew he was working himself up and thought knocking him out quick was for his own benefit. He did great. Dr couldn't find anything with her naked eye. We are waiting for biopsies to come back that she took while in there. Still a waiting game.

Gee came with me because Ryan had a seminar that he had put together back in November and since he was the host he couldn't cancel. Thanks Gee for being there with me. You were a huge moral support (more than you know) and I really appreciate it. Love ya!

Friday, February 19, 2010


So, even though Evan has been on home study for the last two weeks and out two weeks prior to that he has still had to keep up with all his school work. One of the assignments due while he's been out has been a report and model of one of the California missions. He was assigned San Juan Bautista located between San Fransisco and Monterey. As all of you parents know these big assignments like these also end up parent assignments so it was fun to do this along side Evan. It was interesting learning about the mission. Ryan, Evan and I worked together building the model to get it how Evan envisioned it. Evan got to do power tools by himself and he loved the hot glue gun. Wanted to see how and what could be stuck with it. So anyway it all turned out well and Evan was pleased. While we working on it a lot of memories came back to when I was in the 4th grade and did a California mission. Wow time flies! The teacher has them all on display in the school library- they are pretty amazing! Great job Evan!


Wow, I haven't made a post in almost a month. But I have had good reason. The main one is that we have been trying to figure out what has been causing Evan stomach discomfort since Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving break he came down with a little bug but never seemed to get rid of it fully. It was becoming more and more difficult for him to go to school and just do anything. So, we went to our pediatrician in Dec. He ran some tests but everything came back negative. Evan's always been a beyond nervous kid so we chalked it up to a nervous stomach- something he would have to deal with. Well, in mid-January it got to be too much. Missing weeks of school and becoming more sick. So in early Feb. we were able to go down to Sacramento and see a pediatric GI specialist. She ran some more tests and what came back was that a marker for celiac disease was high and that he was positive for Giardia. So the celiac thing could still be an issue but right now he is being treated for the Giardia. He's on strong antibiotics and hopefully this will be what the issue is. He has been on independent study now for two weeks. We've all caught some nasty respiratory flu and so all the boys feel terrible with high fevers. So, do we see a change yet? No not completely. Of course I was hoping for 100% after a few days on the antibiotics and I definitely haven't seen that. In fact the Dr. just called to check in and she said lets see how he does in the next couple of weeks and get back with her. Because the way she sounds it could still be the celiac as well. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! We just want him to feel better and get back to school. So anyways that is why the absence of me writing on here and Evan at school.