Saturday, December 19, 2009


My sister Angie had a very big week this week. On Dec. 16 she graduated from the RN program here in town. It was a long road for her but she finally finished. It was amazing to see her complete something that she worked so hard at. We all went to her graduation at Shasta College. Matt, Gee's boyfriend, Garrett (Kristi had just had Abby so wasn't up for coming), all of us, Adam came home, Rachel flew in, Jan and Don Preston drove up, Dad, and Aunt Linda and Uncle Dave all came. It was a bittersweet time. Her graduation also fell on the two year mark of mom passing away. We all felt mom's absence but in a way could also feel her presence.
On Friday we all went down to the Sacramento Temple and had a fabulous time taking Angie through for the first time. Rachel and I were able to be her escorts. That was very special. Matt was also able to go. The only spouse that came was Ryan. I was so happy that Ryan could come. Being at the temple and sharing that special time with him is the best! So all 5 of us siblings and Dad were together. It was totally incredible to me. Again mom's absence was at times very hard to deal with, especially at such a beautiful family time. However, we all know that she was there with us and being there with each other made it easier. It was a beautiful night. No Angie is not engaged. Just a matter of time though. Congrats Gee on all your accomplishments this far. So excited to see what this year holds for you!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful and beautiful family you have. I love seeing you all together sharing such special moments together. And I think your right . . . your mom was there too.
