Friday, December 11, 2009


So Ryan's parents take the boys, when it is their birthday, and they go to lunch or dinner and then the boys get to go pick out their birthday presents. The boys think it is fabulous and they look forward to it as soon as they realize their birthday is coming up. So this year Chandler picked Red Robin for dinner and then picked a cake decorating kit. Now those of you who know Chandler that doesnt' really fit Chan. However, there is a softer, creative side of him. Of course he would never offer information that he wanted a cake decorating kit but he is very proud of it. The day after he got it he asked if we could go get extra kits for it because Evan and Ethan probably would want to use it too. And they did! All three made masterpieces! They were all very different. They all had a great time. After the group photo they of course wanted to eat them; however they took one bite and threw them all away. They looked awesome but I guess the ingredients were pretty gross! Hey good way to get the creative juices flowing and not have to worry about calories like when I make my cakes! Great job boys!

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