Wednesday, September 9, 2009

MOM'S 60TH!!!

Today was mom's birthday. She would have been 60. To think that it has already been almost two years since she passed away just brings it home once again that she was wayyyyy to young to go. Fifty-eight is so young. Days like these where you just can't help but think about her and miss her even more than you already do are hard. There's an ache that lingers and kind of puts a kink in your day just a little bit more. But, I must say along with the hurt the really good memories and fun times come through really strong too. I'm sure that is mom's way of telling me to not be sad and focus on all the great times we had together and share those with my boys.

I picked up Angie after I picked up Ethan from pre-school and we went out to the cemetery to bring some flowers for mom's headstone. The flowers always make it look so nice and I'm sure mom loves the pretty color! She always did. Chase enjoyed waving hi to all the landscaping crew on their lawnmowers. After we put the flowers where we wanted them Chase came up and put his hand on the marker. It really touched me that he never got to know her here on earth but that she was just holding him a year ago before he came to earth. And I'm sure all the future grandchildren that are waiting to come down are having a fabulous time with her and her with them. We love you mom and miss you so much. Happy Birthday!!!


  1. Hi Gretchen,
    I have loved reading your blog!! Thanks for letting me know about it. If you have told me before I probably forgot. I haven't updated ours FOREVER!! And, thanks for sharing what you did on your Mom's birthday. I am glad you were able to have that time with the boys and Angie. The flowers on the headstone are beautiful. You are right---your Mom loved it!! Love, Voni

  2. Thank you Gretchen. That's is awesome. Chase is right where he should be.

  3. I have been thinking about you a lot lately..and just read this blog entry. Tears again are welling up. Love that picture of little Chasers.Just precious!

  4. Thanks for posting on my blog, I'm so bad at checking that. I love looking at yours and admiring your life. Happy Birthday to Christine! I hope to see you soon.
