Saturday, July 11, 2009


Yesterday Dad was nice enough to take me, my four boys and Gee out on the lake. It is such a beautiful lake and when our lives weren't so crazy we would go out on it a lot. But, for some reason outings on it have slowed waaaayyyyy down, last year didn't go once! So, we went and it was great! Chase's first time and didn't once complain about the life jacket.
Papa and Chase

Mommy and Chase
The temp has been a little down (low 90's) so the water was a little brisk and the breeze was up so that didn't help the chilly factor but it was very fun none the less and the boys loved it!
Gee, Chandler, and Evan
We all swam in the lake and Chandler, Ethan and Gee all did the tubes.
Chandler (wore the goggles all day)

Ethan (Chan waiting in the back tube)

Chandler (in goggles) & Ethan

Chandler and Gee

Gee and E-man
Gee even did the wake board. At one point Gee was on the tube and hit a wave just right and literally went vertical about 10 feet in the air-- AND SHE LANDED IT!!!! Wow, it was awesome! I wish I would have gotten a picture of it. We were all very impressed! When she went up I thought for sure we were headed to the ER. She's got skills! I guess I'm getting old. I use to do that too (okay not 10 ft. in the air but I could carry my own weight). I could hoist myself up and hang on no problem. Well, now I think I would kill myself and there is no way I could get up anymore. The whole time I was watching Ang I was so nervous, I even found myself holding Chase too tight sometimes. Ah, old age has arrived- getting more cautious.

Thanks Dad, we had a great time! And the boys LOVED it!


  1. I'm not too proud to say I'm jealous. I hope dad has another trip up his sleeve for next week. We've been looking forward to it for... oh... 5 YEARS! :)

  2. Oh we can't wait!!! YIpee! Shasta lake HERE WE COME!!!! Looks so awesome! I showed the boys and they said ...can we do that too!??? :)
    We are counting down the days.. Gretch!!!

  3. ps..I hope Dad will bring me too ..on the boat!! Maybe if I am really nice???:)
