Last night we went over to Dad's and had dinner. Dad and Gee made yummy spare ribs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and cheesecake for dessert. YUMMY!! Garrett was there too cause his family had gone down to Sacramento and he had to work so he stayed home. However, in the middle of dinner Kristi and the kids did show up. After dinner we went down to Grant School (the elementary school that we all went to) and played some baseball. It was a lot of fun. Boy do we have some heavy hitters among the grandsons- WOW!!! 
Dad, Kristi, Cody, Ryan, & Chandler
Well, we were all having a great time when we heard crying coming from first base where Ethan had just ran to on a single. Somehow he had tripped (he was just standing there) and face planted it into the dirt. When we picked him up his mouth was bleeding but that is all we could see. The next thing we know Ethan is reaching in his mouth and takes out his front lower tooth- root and all!!! Seeing as he is only 4 the first thought is "Oh, crap", but then we remember that it's just a baby tooth and the only thing now to do is wait for the tooth fairy! He was pretty upset and got some road rash on his chin and today his mouth is super soar, but he looks pretty cute with this premature "hole" in his mouth now. Last night as he was getting ready for bed and putting his tooth under his pillow he reminded me that when Chandler and Evan were losing their teeth not too long ago he didn't think it was fair that he couldn't get any money. I told him that he would have to wait until he was 5 or 6- just be patient. Well last night Ethan says,"Mommy you said I would have to wait until I was 5 well guess what I'm only 4!" (as he holds up four cute little fingers and a sneaky grin.) Love ya E-man!
Holy cow! All the drama we miss, and we were so close! I wish so badly we could've been there for the good eats and baseball. It looks like everyone had a ton of fun.